1 year, 3 months.

We go for her well-baby check up tomorrow so I’ll have the nice little sheet with the stats and all that up then.  But for now let me tell you what we’ve been dealing with.

Besides that stomach bug that got us all ill, we’ve been dealing more with Addison’s independent side.  When she was tiny I remember her spending minutes trying to attack the tag on her paci clip.  Now that she has better motor skills and the ability to walk, she has more detailed tasks she wants to master.  Mostly putting caps on things and trying to put on her socks and shoes.

This was just a minute video of a ten minute process.  I tried to show her how the cap went on and she snatched it from me to do it herself.  Then was mad because I had put it on all the way and I had to take it off, then she snatched it back to continue to put it on.  This is also the case with markers, snack containers, other hair products.  Basically everything she comes in contact with.  After this Aveeno bottle problem we went into her room where she tried to put a picture in a book.  I showed her the right way, then she snatched it out and tried it.  Got it right and clapped.  She tried again, but got it sideways, then had enough of the book and threw it.

We then spent 5 minutes sitting in a battle of will over a drumstick she threw at me in protest to me not giving her water fast enough.  She won because I couldn’t stop laughing at her little face.  I could see her understanding me saying “pick up this drum stick and you could have this water”.  She looked at the drumstick, then the cup and would reach for the cup.  I’m not above popping her on the hand, especially when she does this fake whine.  But at this point it just wasn’t worth it. So we moved on to the next thing.

The stroller.  She gets a kick out of pushing it around the living room.  Or trying to buckle the seat (she’s getting dangerously close to fastening the ones in grocery carts) but once it got difficult, she gnawed at it with her teefies.





It’s not all Addytude though.  She’s getting lots of practice drinking out of big cups and water bottles.  If she sees a bottle of any sorts it’s like she’s dying of thirst and you must hand it over.  At first I was kinda scared, mostly because she went for it so fast, but she’s really getting the hang of it.  The only problem comes when there’s just a little left, so she takes it to the head…and nose.  But she wants to learn so whatev.

And she has also gotten the hang of getting off and on her chair.  She really doesn’t care to sit the “proper” way, it’s more so she wants to climb up it and put her feet through the slats.  At first I was kinda concerned with her falling over and then I realized the chair is Addy sized so at worst she would fall like, six inches.  And as long as we don’t noticeable react to her falling or banging her head on anything, she doesn’t react either.  So I keep an eye on her and sit close by but so far (knock on wood) we haven’t had any chair incidents.

Oh, and still just the 6 teeth, although I’m pretty sure some molars are popping up, I’m not brave enough to stick my fingers in there.  I dare anyone to.  DOUBLE DOG DARE!


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