1 year, 2 months…two weeks ago

Remember how I had that new ePage thing to remember Addy’s milestones?  Well I didn’t forget this past month, I just forgot how exactly I did it.  Acrobat files are not to be played with.  Seriously.  They’re not easy to edit and even though I took that class it was just like “wait how did I…”

Anyway, that’s to Google I figured it out. So here it is, two weeks late but whatever.  I’m sure I was the only one counting.  The picture is accurate though.

4 thoughts on “1 year, 2 months…two weeks ago

  1. what a great idea, super cute!!! Have you been doing this every month & will you get upset if I steal this?

    1. I started it last month because I couldn’t get her to lay down on the fabric and she’s not going to sit still for me to measure her, but I wanted to keep keeping track.

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