First Week of Daycare = First Cold

I can’t even think of a clever way to write this post.  Addy is sick.  Brownlee wants to blast kids he doesn’t know in the face with Lysol.  Full frontal attacks.  I got sneezed on directly in the open mouth no less than 3 times and can feel my sinuses draining now.  When do kids learn how to blow their nose?  I was equally disgusted and amused by the actual physical snot bubbles produced from Addy’s nose.  It’s like something out of a cartoon.  But before I could get the rag to wipe she must have seen it in her peripheral because her finger was right in there to pop it.  It was THAT big.  I would have thrown up if I wasn’t frozen in shorror (shock & horror).

We’ve dealt with slight congestion from teething or allergies or whatever her deal was like once and it wasn’t “that” bad and she could just stay home and sleep on Brownlee.  But now it’s all “well how sick do you have to be to miss daycare” and YaYa’s all “I’ll be on standby”, which was YaYa code for “I’m going to work from home so I can play with sick Addy all day,” which is exactly what happened.

Scout got a sponge bath and a douse of Lysol in case he too brought home day care germs.  So did the cutie daycare bag.  I don’t even know what else to do at this point but wait it out.  I’m desperate enough to look into holistic approaches.  I’m an advocate for medicine taking but in 2007 I had a horrific sinus issue and Booby was all “Oprah was talking about neti pots” and I broke down and went to Whole Foods in SWEAT PANTS and bought one and sure enough I could breath for a few minutes after using what my friends now affectionately call “the snot pot”.  But of course now you can get a plastic one at Walgreens for like $6 easy peasy.  Nobody cares if you’re in Walgreens with sweats on.  And people are all “oh yeah I love my neti pot” like it’s the coolest thing since chipotle, or zumba, or quinoa or whatever ethnic sounding craze the masses are up on.

Anyway, YaYa tried saline drops and said they kinda worked so I’ll have to see if there are any subsequent snot bubbles.  And hope my camera is ready on my phone because that will be documented.  Lol.  The Robot Mommy was right…I’m so glad my mom didn’t have a blog.

Soooo don’t be mad if there are no cutie pie pictures for tomorrow.  Because she’s just kinda been laying there only slightly dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba.  🙁  Sad times.

3 thoughts on “First Week of Daycare = First Cold

  1. I know this happens to pretty much every baby who goes to daycare, but that's just crazy. I'm still shocked and I'll still support Brownlees endeavors 100%. lol.

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