A Change is Gonna Come

Thursday Brownlee gives me a call. “Yeah so the lady that I interviewed with at the print shop said it didn’t work out with the other guy and wants me to come in Saturday.  If it goes well I can start Monday.”
What WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

My first thought was “ha! I knew that was the job for you! This is great.” Then my immediate next thought was “shit! We gotta find a daycare for Addy.” Then “oh shit we gotta put Addy in daycare!”

On some level we’ve been super lucky to not have to pay for daycare for the past year and some change. No schlepping the kid and belongs in the wee hours of the morning.  She just wakes up and stays in pj’s most of the day and plays with her daddy. That also means that we haven’t had the luxury of two full time incomes. It hasn’t been too hard of a struggle but we both knew it would eventually come to an end.

I think. I have been in some sort of denial.  I liked knowing I could check up on Addy anytime I told Brownlee to send me a picture message. Addy’s is sitting in the entertainment center? Ha! Send me a pic. What outfit did you put her in to go to the post office? Send a pic! And I kept telling Brownlee that this time he was spending with Addy was priceless and whatnot but it was also a big relief for me.

When Addy was about 4 months we checked out local daycares. I can’t remember why. I supposed to just get an idea of pricing and what all a daycare provides. So not only did we have to decide on one, we had to make sure they would be able to take her. By Monday.

Brownlee and Addy went to re visit and gather information. The two closest ones were taking newbies and Brownlee got the paperwork and let them know we’d be getting back with them.

But Friday there was a crazy storm and we couldn’t do anything. Saturday Brownlee goes for the re-interview and let’s me know that he in fact got the job and would be going in Monday at 9. I told my boss I might need the day off to get my family sorted out.

I have to gather all my info and shot records and paperwork etc filled out.  Addy and I will try and get to know the place.  I hope being there again will make it more familiar and she will be a little more comfortable.  And then we’ll see how it goes Tuesday morning and which one of us is in the most tears.

5 thoughts on “A Change is Gonna Come

  1. 🙁 I can't imagine how hard it is going to be on Tuesday! We had to consider a place for drop in care recently and i just couldn't do it. I thought maybe he's been home too long…. But I don't care.

    1. That's why I had signed her up for Gymboree cause she was at home too much and needed to be around other babies. So now I don't even know if we should keep going to Gymboree??!!??!!

      1. Yeah, It’s nice since we have another little boy here part of the week and the neighborhood has about 30 kids under 2. He gets a ton of socialization…. but even though I’m not the one taking care of him during the day, the idea of not having him a floor away is terrifying.

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