Tunnel Vision

It’s weird to observe Addy observe things.  She gets intensely focused and will stare at you doing something until she thinks she has the act down and will then repeat it.  Sometimes this takes a few seconds, like when she observed Brownlee blowing on some rice before he fed her, then she did the same thing and the rice ended up all over the floor.  Sometimes it takes a while, like when she watches me tie my shoes then she pushed my hands out the way to untie them herself.

But the other day we were outside hanging out on the patio.  I took some bubbles from her Easter basket and was blowing them for her.  She had fun for a little while popping bubbles, but soon she realized I had the bubble blowing power…and she wanted it.

She comes over to me and grabs the wand out of my hand.  Looks at it, and waits for the bubbles to come out.  To no avail.  She dips it into the solution.  Nothing.  I try and teach her how to blow out her mouth into the wand to create the bubbles. She blows, but can’t get it quite right.  Still no bubbles.  Then she reassess the situation.  Turns the wand the other way.  Dips it into the solution.  And waits for bubbles.  When this didn’t work, she took the cap and put it on the bubble bottle.  Bubble time was over.

But she’s only a year old!  What am I supposed to do with this tiny person who wants to do everything for herself already?  She takes the rubberbands to try and do her hair.  She snatches books to turn the pages herself on her own pace. This grown up baby thing is crazy.


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