Darndest Things

I’m sure there will be lots of future posts composed of Addy saying the darndest things, but this is the first.  I think.  I can’t really differentiate what I post on the blog or email Baddy or type to the Bumpies.  So let this be the first official darndest thing saying post.  Unless I’ve already stated that in a different post.   I’ve even seen this journal for parents to write down things that their kids say, like date stamp and what not.  And I’m like “I thought all parents had a blog”.

Anyway, for whatever reason my dad thought it would be funny to teach Addy to say “uh oh”.  I think she thinks it means that’s what you say when things fall down, whether it be by accident or forcefully thrown from tiny hands across the room.   Sometimes I get mad but it’s mostly pretty funny.  Case in point.

4 thoughts on “Darndest Things

  1. Noah is constantly throwing things down and saying “uh oh.” I’m like, “Dude, it’s not ‘uh oh’ when you do it on purpose.” I wonder if I can teach him to say, “I’m an asshole who likes to throw things.”

    1. Something! It’s even worse when it’s food that she takes out of her mouth and throws down. In no way is that uhoh.

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