11 Months

I already did the update of what all is going on.  But here’s a good picture of the beginning of teeth.  I kinda sorta taught her to growl and open her mouth if I say “show me your teefies”.  HA!


Anywho, the monthly page has been updated with her 11 month shot.  She now thinks that every stuffed animal is supposed to sing and light up like Scout. So she spent a few seconds squeezing AddyBoo’s (the bear) paws.  She was kinda sleepy so I got her to lay down for a few seconds.

I’m looking into growth charts for over a year.  I’ll do some sort of collage photo when we get to 12 months.

And no I won’t be one of those moms who requires you do to lots of math to figure out the baby’s age.  I will say a year and two months or whatever instead of 14 months.

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