Rantings and half blogs etc and so on blah blah

I tend to write blogs in my head before I put finger to keyboard.  It’s generally a wording of how things will go but it ends up in giggles because I’m funny to me.  But just because I have thoughts about something doesn’t mean it’s enough to end up as a complete blog.  It might just be a woman thing but having something on my mind and having a completed thought on how I feel about something are two different things.  In fact, I don’t think the second thing has ever happened.

So here are a few uncompleted thoughts that have been swimming around in my brain the past week or so.  (They are not incomplete they just have room for more evolving.  I can create words as I please seeing as stupid as the English language is.  If bling bling can be in the dictionary, I can say uncompleted.)


Beyonce’ & Nem

I feel bad for Beyonce.  A little.  Being a parent has made me extremely judgmental and extremely understanding.  At the same time.  If I’m out and I see some bad mom has her kid out of the house with no socks on I’ll think “oh this chick is AWFUL! She needs to put socks on that kid! But she probably forgot while getting him ready, or he pulled them off in the car and she can’t find them and it’s just a quick run to the store anyway so he’ll be ok”.  And people constantly hit me up with their unsolicited advice and opinion and while I was pregnant and I’m not nearly as famous as Beyonce.  So she has these ridiculous standards people hold her to and they feel close to her because they bought every CD and stood in line for concerts.  So they expect…whatever and easily judge all choices made.  Was it ok for them to rent out a whole wing of a hospital or whatever?  Probably not because there are private doctors offices and birthing centers.  But hey they got the money for a ugly Lucite crib so why wouldn’t they get the wing of the hospital? And of course Blue is a silly name even if they have put thought and meaning into it, but the kid will never need to apply for a job so what does it matter.  And I keep humming “we like to partaaaaaaaay. Hey. Hey…” so maybe she does have to tell me if they had a surrogate or not.


Rick Perry

I try not to think too much about politics because none of it makes sense and it makes my brain hurt.  I read up on things before I vote but after the Bush/Gore election and the red light camera debacle I can’t be too concerned about my vote counting for anything.  But on the news I saw they are really pushing this law about you have to get an ultrasound before having an abortion.  I love being a Texan.  I love it! This is the best state ever.  And I am very Texan about a lot of things (salsa, big trucks, saying y’all, hatingDallas), so I understand this is a red state and all the Republicany things that come along with that.  But really, a woman has to sit and have the ultrasound explained to her before she can go through with an abortion?! Obviously the state (meaning the Man, meaning men lawmakers) will never stop telling women what they can and can not do with their bodies.  But I also think that anyone who is against abortions should adopt a child.


Delonte West

This dude has mental problems (yeah man. Mental problems man).  And a criminal record.  So he can’t go with the Mavericks (booDallas) to see the President.  Waa waa. The article I was reading was saying that so many congressmen have records (from domestic violence to drunk driving) but they’re allowed in there all the time.  I think I actually had a verbal response to that commenter as I read the article.  Like “daaaamn you got a point”.


Artsy Fartsy

I had a sappy revelation that everyone I know is an artist.  Just about.  In some form.  Most use multiple mediums.  Some cook.  Some talk.  Some paint or draw or write or take pictures.  But they all do something, and I think that is awesome.


If you’ve gotten this far thank you so much. I feel better having typed this.

8 thoughts on “Rantings and half blogs etc and so on blah blah

  1. Can someone rub their creative juices off on me?!

    Also…this idea was osm…espeically b/c usually I don't write b/c I'm full of incomplete thoughts, but I may just steal your amazing idea. 🙂

    1. I purposely added "cook" on the art form listing. Doofus. And I didn't invent snippets, that's just all I had for today lol.

      1. ugh. i know you didnt invent snippets, but this is the first time I've ever seen someone do it so right. golly gee.

        thanks for the shout out then. sheesh. lol.

  2. Re Beyonce – Wow, where have I been!! Working too hard. First I have heard about the fake bump! How strange – hope it is not true as it would be a shame foe someone to lie about this.

  3. Ha! This was great. That's pretty much the same loop my brain is on. As for the Beyonce stuff, is that the theory, that she actually bought a bump and pretended to be pregnant. That would be seriously psycho!

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