Got A Mouse in Your Pocket?

As my computer installs this program, I figured I could do a blog.

Last night we got Addy a Christmas dress and a super cute peacoat. And I ask Brownlee if that means we’re taking her to get pictures done. And if so then what do you do with them.
He’s like “Naynee can take pics at thanksgiving and we can send out cards”
Me: “Who is we?” (checks his pockets for mice)
But he has formulated this plan that he could design the cards and I can mail then out.
All of this is very similar to the birth announcement discussion we had 8 months ago and you know how that turned out (if you don’t know, they don’t exist).
I’m sure it would be cute but much like Halloween costumes and baby shoes this is a concept that I get but seems like a ton of efforts on my part for something I care so little about. So I can’t promise this will come to fruition but I guess Brownlee and his mouse will put some effort into it.
Are we st that point in the digital age where a eCard is accetptable for seasons greetings? And we are a new aged family with different lasts names and what not. How does that work for cards??? Has Emily Post been updated for these scenarios


2 thoughts on “Got A Mouse in Your Pocket?

  1. Hey there are p's and slashes all over this post.

    But you just put all y'alls first names. Brownlee, Bre, & AddyAnn. Done.

    1. Why doesn't this WordPress app want to cooperate.
      I guess we will just put first names. Worst case people just end up with a super cute kid they don't know on their fridge.

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