A Grande Application Please

I ran away to Starbucks.  Just a temporary reprieve from being in the house.  I’m sure Brownlee knows where I am since I packed my laptop in my “runaway bag”, but I need to get out.  I’m not a sit around all day kind of person.  The main problem is that when I leave the house, I tend to spend money, which isn’t great when you aren’t working so there is a conundrum there.  I wholeheartedly believe in retail therapy. I suppose I need to start looking up free things to do with myself.  And Addy.

As I sit here catching up on blogging, pinning, Facebooking, researching Maclaren strollers, trying not to “about a boy” this Florence + the Machine, and reading emails since RIM service is temporarily wonky (I need to make sure it says I can multi-task on my resume), I’m considering asking for an application.  Since my last last job got to be 8 hours of cubicle confined hell, I fantasized about being a barista.  I like Starbucks.  I like people watching.  I like Norah Jones and jazzy renditions of Frank Sinatra or whatever they pipe through the sound system in here.  Word is they offer good benefits and it’s 5 minutes from my house.  The longest I’d have to deal with a crappy customer is about the 4 minutes it takes to make their extra hot double pump soy half caf whatever.

Then I read this post from The Robot Mommy on Jillsmo’s blog (see both buttons on my sidebar for a good dose of awesome) about how she quit teaching and started at Starbucks and is now a manager of a store and all that jazz.  And I’m all…I could do that.

So I’m still considering it.   I’ll let you know how it turns out.

(This post was paid for by the awesome gift cards I got for my bday.  I’m one star away from Gold, Jerry! Gold)

7 thoughts on “A Grande Application Please

  1. You just described exactly how I came into it. Except I was a barista before Bux. And being a Bux barista scared the crap out of me. Now, I run a bar. Scratch that, I rock it! And no job has been more fun..

    Apply online, call the local store once you do, ask to meet the manager when you visit. For me, I look for those that can hold a conversation and aren't shy. It's not a job for the shy.

    1. I asked the girl there if they were accepting applications and she told me to look online but I didn't think to ask to speak to the manager. I'm gonna. Thanks 🙂

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