Say a Prayer for Joe

So we’re in Taco Cabana taking advantage of the happy hour.  We’re eating tacos, Addy’s eating flour tortillas.  Just chillin and being silly.

And this dude comes up like “that’s such a pretty baby…is it a boy or girl,” which are the standard questions despite the fact that Addy has little gold earrings and had on a pink romper with flowers.   He asks me if I know what her name means and I’m thinking “we’re American, our names don’t mean shit” (Pulp Fiction), but tell him that I didn’t do much work on the research end of the name.

Then he  tells me that he knows a lot about linguistics and Addison means that she is from faith and will be a savant in the arts, but nothing like what we expect.  Maybe dance or something. And I should really nurture her to that fact.

Cool! Thanks random guy have a great day.

But a few minutes later he comes back with a piece of paper where he had actually taken the time to write out everything because his card wouldn’t start.  So here’s what he wrote:


  • A beauty inherited by God
  • Still “unknown” until the “right” time, i.e. just when the world “needs” her and her talent
  • A name that will be known and respected
  • Let her “learn” her own ways
  • Her verbiage will increase by leaps and bounds – you may even have to consult a dictionary at times to understand her
  • Quiet, Energetic, Full of surprises, at every turn
  • In “awe” of her parents and lineage
  • Someone in distant past (a male?) who no one believed or trusted or “wanted to be around” was a “gypsy” at heart and was actually wise beyond his years
  • Stand back and watch it happen – she still will learn how to be a young girl who has a young child’s need to learn how to “move” in the world she has come into

I’m not too sure how to feel about it.  I mean they’re all great things that I’d love to believe about my kid.  A savant?! Awesome.  Of course Brownlee is like “I bet if you looked it up Addison doesn’t mean any of those things”.  So I’ll just believe somewhere in the middle and roll with it.  I think.  Until everything starts to come true and it will be like that MENSA psychic guy with awful awful BO in New Orleans that told me I would be settled and a homebody and T would travel.  And at the time T had never been on a plane, but the next year they all went to Malaysia and I stayed home.  And now T is a flight attendant…

Then he told me his fee, as is written at the bottom of the sheet, that I say a prayer or two for him and the world.  So everyone do me a favor and say a prayer or two for Joe.

And the world.

3 thoughts on “Say a Prayer for Joe

  1. Wooooow!!! You know what spoke to my heart the most?! Addy being a dancer. Don't even tell me you don't remember me being excited that I may get to watch MP in some dance recitals! 😀

    Definitely gonna pray for Joe. What an osm fee. 🙂

  2. What an experience, Bre' Bre'! I thought I was the only one that stuff like that happens too. Lord knows how many encounters I've had with "messengers". But I agree that you should keep that paper and go back to it a few years from now to see how it checks out. And I've already said a prayer for Joe. I'll say some more for him . . . and the world! Truly awesome!

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