That’s Cute, but Not at 2am

brownlee is a talker.  that’s not a good nor a bad thing. it’s just a fact. he talks.  A LOT.  addy is picking up that habit and sometimes its super duper cute because i’ll be all “oh really?!” and “and then what?” and she will just go on and on with her story.

sometimes we don’t even need to add our two cents in, she will just start talking.  if we aren’t paying attention she will get a little angry and you can totally tell in her tone that you better listen up.

but it’s not always cute and adorable.  sometimes it’s at 2am on the monitor.  and then 4am.  and then 5am.  and well that’s just silly.  i’ve read about this phenomenon on The Bump called the 4 month wakeful period.  addy’s been sleeping through the night in her own crib just wonderfully for months.  but now she will just wake up and start talking.  she’s not hungry or upset or scared or anything. she just is in there babbling.  luckily we’re almost to 5 months and with any luck this phase will leave just as quickly as it came.

yeah 5 months is coming soon! addy is really growing up quickly.  the rolling that i was so desperate to witness (and “film”) is the norm now and most of her time is spent on a big blanket on the floor on her tummy.  i actually went and bought her some (more) 6 months clothes from Carter’s because they are having a fall sale. whaaat long sleeves coming up! i might actually get to put her in one of those 800 hats she has.  can’t wait to get her one with ear flaps and a puffy top (see: Despicable Me, which i am currently watching despite the kid being long asleep)

oh and here’s a little video (featuring Cup) of what the talking sounds like:
(warning:video may or may not contain throw up)

(clearly it did contain throw up. this is my life. you’re welcome)

7 thoughts on “That’s Cute, but Not at 2am

  1. I <3 her soooo much, but yeah…waking up talking at 2am, 4am, and 5am…not cute. at all. Brownlee don't even do that. lol.

    1. yes it was just a series of current events and i was all "i need to blog this" which is kinda how i think now. how did people live before the innanets?

  2. HAHA, yea it definitely seems like she is taking after daddy in a lot of the personality traits. 🙂 Watch out! I need to see her again ASAP, she's growing up too quickly already!

  3. She is too adorable throw-up and all. 2, 4, and 5am chatting I'm sure is not cute, but knowing me, I would be one of those parents that would listen for a while then start talking back to them. Just to either wig them out or see what happens. Yeah, I'm odd like that. lol!!! Kiss Addy for me!!!

    1. i would like to think i'd do that, but at 4am i'm just happy to get across the apartment without tripping over the dog in the dark to put the pacifier back in her mouth and fall back asleep. now that i think about it, i put my glasses on but don't turn on any lights. lmao

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