
a year ago i found out i was having a baby.  a monkey pie.  we went from appleseeds to grapes to mangoes to fruits and veggies i never even heard of to a giant watermelon.

morning sickness.  lunchtime sickness.  evening sickness.  nighttime sickness.  weight gain.  food aversions. heartburn.  rubberband tricks.  BeBands. and eventually maternity jeans.

ultrasounds and a bazillion doctors visits. old wives tales and tons of gender guesses and re-guesses.

and then it got hard. labor. delivery.  it’s a GIRL?! diapers.  spitup. “holy crap we had a baby”. sleep. not sleep. sleep. not sleep. back to work. one month. two months. three months.  four.

it’s been awesome. and new and trying and fun and cool and scary. and awesome.

at first this was just a means to keep everyone informed on what was going on.  i knew that i would be repeating recaps of doctors visits 15 times (and i did anyway) and wanted to make sure everyone got all the same info.  same pictures.  same what was goings ons. but now i really love it.  i get to give some sort of insight into our daily lives and people actually pay attention! i have a running commentary of what is happening and can easily go back to a date and see how it was to be pregnant. i’m an occasional  journal writer, but i’m at a computer all day and always mobile with my blackberry so this is the easiest thing ever.  i make a point to do things the old fashioned way and get pics printed and clip hospital wrist bands for the baby book and what not.  but i really really love the blog.

and i’m so thankful to have so many people chime in and be interested and genuinely care about our little lives.  you guys are the best.

so here’s to one year down! and i guess to however many more as long as blogging is still a thing.

any questions about anything so far or to come? things you want to see? things i need to change around? i’m all ears (well, eyes) and open to suggestions.



8 thoughts on “Blogiversary!!!

  1. I love it in general because it's so good to hear what it's really like to be a mom! More importantly though I think you're an awesome writer so it's mommy stuff but really about life too :).

  2. LOL to that bib!! I love reading the blogs. Actually, they've helped me go through pregnancy & better know what to expect and know everything I'm going through is normal! And now I love being able to keep up with how Addy is doing, even when we're not able to get together for a while, and I especially love all of the pics!! 😀

  3. I concur. (Ooh! I've always wanted to say that! LOL!) I have enjoyed reading every blog. It brought back precious memories of being pregnant with Bre' and T. And I like that Brownlee adds his daddy blogs as well. It's so cool! Keep it going!

  4. On Saturday, Addy whispered in my ear: “I want a piece of chicken”…so I’m just telling you that she wants a chicken wing. Pleaseandthankyou.

  5. Thank you for sharing every step of the way…it's definitely been fun & osm & scary & osm all over again from the other side. It still feels like yesterday that I said "you owe me a burger." lmao. Also, you've been a couple years worth of free birth control. 😀

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