In Yo Face!

i had my work shower yesterday.  they seriously got just about everything that we had left on the registry.  like i figured they’d put in and get a gift card or something like that and i had been good and didn’t stalk the registry. we had planned to go get the car seat, base, and stroller this weekend from Babies R Us with the completion coupon and gift cards we had.

but i got the car seat, breast pump, diaper pail, swaddle wraps, bottle storage, breast pump accessories, gift cards, sweet moolah, and lots of wonderful cards.  i basically have the best coworkers ever.

so this morning me and brownlee cracked the carseat open and just sort of stared at it.  he was glad there was nothing to assemble but there’s lots of straps going on.  my car has the LATCH system in the back so we figure basically you just hook the thing in there and snap the seat in. well it went something like that until i told brownlee that the kid is supposed to face the back. so then he reattached it and we snapped the seat in.

so now the base is in my car. oh you want to know how far up the passenger seat is? you think maybe you can’t ride in Coop with Monkey Pie in the back cause your knees will be in your chest? BEHOLD!

another angle!


no more of that bre needs to get a bigger car business.

i do have to practice getting the seat in and out though. cause i was yanking the crap out of it lol. but i think thats more of a practice makes perfect issue not a space issue.

tomorrow we’ll go get brownlee’s base, which he thinks he can refuse to stick in his car NOW. he’s all “well we don’t need it until it’s time to bring the baby home” but we’ll see how that goes. maybe he can do the base now and have someone bring the car seat with them?  i mean they won’t let you bring the kid home without the car seat. and i’m worried that once i get the kid strapped in i just will leave him in there for hours and hours because it’s seriously like 5 straps to get them in and out.  don’t even get me started on the canopy and the handle.

in non-car seat related news, i’ve been feeling fine. still crampy from time to time. my hips still hurt.  i can’t tell if my urge to clean is nesting or just regular saturday morning needing to clean things.  i’m not about to get on hands and knees scrubbing things, just the regular straightening needs to be done so i’m going to chalk it up to regular saturday routine.

it also dawned on me (and gabby) yesterday that i am really due in about two weeks so it’s best that i stick close to home as much as possible.  my bag is actually packed, i just need to start keeping my phone and ipod charger on me at all times. gabby’s terrified of me going into labor when we’re together and i’m sure nobody else wants to be witness to it, so i’m going to limit my activities to movies and netflix. oh how hard that will be to get used to (insert sarcasm).

my freaking out has subsided, especially now that we have the car seat.  i’ve read all i can read.  i’ve washed clothes and sanitized pacifiers and got things assembled.  it’s just waiting now.  not rushing, just waiting.

2 thoughts on “In Yo Face!

  1. Aww it's real! I'm so excited for you. Before I buy anything, what colors will the kid not be allowed to wear? I feel like you're having a girl, but I know you're not a fan of pink. Lol!

    1. i'm actually for pink clothes on little girls, just not ONLY pink clothes. and we got plenty of sports stuff to balance it out. i'm not a fan of red, but that's just on me personally lol.

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