This is on Thursday due to the Internet boycott Wednesday.
Kid / Parenting / Wordless Wednesday
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Wordless Wednesday 01.11.12 Addendum
This was supposed to be on the earlier post but user error and what not.
Life / Rants
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Rantings and half blogs etc and so on blah blah
I tend to write blogs in my head before I put finger to keyboard. It’s generally a wording of how things will go but it ends up in […]
Life / Randoms
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Word of the Day: Wistful
I think I’m in some sort of mood. That mood could be described as wistful. wist·ful [wist-fuhl] adjective 1. characterized by melancholy; longing; yearning. 2. pensive, especially in a melancholy way. I considered listless (having or showing little or no interest in anything; languid;spiritless; indifferent) and I’m not […]