a while ago brownlee and i were at the grocery store and while checking out we had half a gallon of regular milk and half a gallon of […]
Never Buttoning Again
so the last couple fridays i’ve come to work in my jeans with them already unbuttoned and eventually held together with a rubberband (see: rubberband trick entry…again), but […]
Veggies Shmeggies
i’m supposed to be eating healthy…well healthier, but lately all i’ve been dying for is a McDouble, no pickles, fries, and an ultra strong Coke. mmmm that sounds […]
Lil Ol Big Head
i had another doctor’s appointment yesterday, and also a soccer game to go to hence this not being posted last night. anyway, this was the first in a […]
The Rubberband Trick
i was starting to think my dealings with “morning” sickness were over and done with. wrong. WRONG. yesterday after my regular bowl of cereal i sat back to […]
A 2011 80’s baby
me and my office mate were just discussing things kids that grow up today will never know. they will never experience getting lost because everything has a built […]