While we were in San Marcos highfalutin, Addy was at her weekend home. YaYa and Grandpa thought she needed more than just grass in the backyard and bought […]
Life / Randoms
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So Brownlee was called to San Marcos on some official school bidness. When he was enrolled at Southwest Texas State University, they interviewed some first generation college students. […]
Life / Rants
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Another One Bites the Dust
Brownlee likes to make fun of my…unique sense of style. What? You never seen someone wear Chucks before? Ok maybe it’s not THAT unique but oftentimes I find […]
Kid / Parenting
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It’s Time.
I’ve been lazy the past couple weeks. I mean we’ve eaten and are generally clean but other than that not much has been done. And in my laziness […]
Kid / Parenting / Wordless Wednesday
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Wordless Wednesday 07.18.12
These are on my Facebook page but I love them too bad to not repost.