So you know how Addy kept calling me “hey baby”? Well the other night she saw a picture of me and said “Mommy” Then she got in my […]
Shorts / Writing
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Prompt 767
Imagine you are a goldfish trapped in a little fish bowl. How do you get through the boredom of everyday life? This summer break thing is killing me. […]
Kid / Parenting
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1 year, 5 months.
The kid is really funny now. Lots of words and attempts at conversation. My dad said that he told Addy to answer every question with “no” and I […]
Life / Randoms
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If You Give a Girl a Blog
then she’ll want a domain then she’ll want some personalized goodies then she’ll make bloggy friends (see those buttons over there ->) then she’ll show her boyfriend their […]
Life / Rants
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Damn You Quentin Tarantino
I have a severe love/disgusted relationship with Quentin Tarantino. As in I equally love his movies and hate them for their awesomness, hilarity, ridiculousness, blatant ripoffery, and overratedness. […]