It’s Wednesday. According to the calendar. Time is a concept I no longer fully grasp.
Since last week was Spring Break, this week we’ve started to do some online learning for Addy. Brownlee is working from home. I am working from home.
Instead of a strict schedule, Addy and I are writing down what was done for the day so we don’t do the exact same thing every day. She got some Bill Nye in. We did some Cosmic Kids yoga. She’s done some jouranling and of course math and science. The teacher called today to make sure we were in a secure residence and had food. They’re not concerned about the learning part now it’s just such a fluid situation they need to make sure the kids are safe. She calls it a day around 2.
Monday and Tuesday were fine but something broke (in me) today. It was just the act of doing a conference call for work, answering multiplication questions, doing lunch, trying to be quiet while Brownlee is on a call, making sure we get out the house except there’s nothing to be done, and then realizing there’s infinite numbers of days of this to come.
Right now the district is set to go back April 13 but I’ve seen surrounding states saying they’re calling it for the school year. A lot of parents on the internet are like “oh when our kids our in college they will remember all the time they got to spend with their parents, not the panic.” Except I’m not that parent. My college kid will be like “mom remember that time we ran out of eggs and you burst into tears screaming about the collapse of society and ranting about the Hunger Games? You didn’t even read the Hunger Games and you didn’t even want eggs!”
This hasn’t happened…yet… but it’s only the third day.
But the weather’s nice so there’s that.