Sometimes I sit back and go through a feed and think “wow that’s nice. I’d like to be the type of person that does <whatever>”. And really I’m just a girl is with a me for my potential. Like yes I have the potential to be an active person but really I’m a me that binge watches Rick and Morty while just thinking that maybe I could be doing something better than watching Rick and Morty (maybe watching Atlanta instead and finishing the season??)
I’m usually fairly good about reconciling the stuff I don’t want to do (basically anything) with the stuff I do want to do (eating?) but there are times I would like to do a little more. At least for the experience. I’d like to be the person that does occasional yoga. I’d like to be able to flip an omelette. I’d like to be someone with volumes of filled leather bound journals for passersby to look upon with amazement but really I just buy a lot of notebooks and need the justification to order a B6 Travler’s Notebook. Typically this type of self motivation comes at the beginning of the year, be it birth or calendar, but I’m trying to motivate myself to do more than watching Rick and Morty…as much. And I don’t do well with reward systems because instant gratification is in itself the best reward.
I’m not the type of person that gives a fake impression of myself to people. And I don’t have to stunt on the gram to keep up appearances (aside from the fact that stunting on the gram is keeping up appearances). But I’d like to have something physical to show for my time here. Mostly I just need to start writing things down. Buy an omlete pan. And honestly I’m mostly envious that a dude Downtown stopped me like “hey sistah, buy my book on Amazon” and gave me this card.
This might be fleeting because I acknowledge consistency isn’t my strong point but that’s not a thing I’m willing to change. But I am about to put pen to paper. And go through a bunch of eggs.
Soooo, I totally wrote a good comment but don’t know where it went. It stated how this resonates with me as well. Maybe try writing while watching Rick and Morty as well. I encouraged you, and myself, to write something within the next three days even if it’s only five gratitudes in the morning. We can make it happen. Productive and uplifting even if it isn’t consistent…. yet. It’s coming. I’m cheering for you
Thanks! I’ve added “read” and “write” to my weekly habit tracker. So writing counts even if it’s just journaling or maybe a blog post.