When I Blow Up

ok so tuesday is the day that my baby weeks start. for documentation purposes ive been taking a pic of my bloat and what not and putting in the Belly Book. super. so here is yesterdays picture:


but today is like BAM:

granted i take the tuesday pictures in the morning before i eat and all that jazz and i took the picture from today just right now but i mean come on.

why’s my butt so big? is there a baby in there too???

11 thoughts on “When I Blow Up

  1. grandmommy is laughing at you. =) and um, preggo women almost always get big juicy butts, especially if they already had a big butt. what do they tell you in all those books?

    also, since we're on expanding body parts, have you been taking pictures of your nose?

    youre practically 3 months. "it is time." (c) rafiki

    1. books dont know anything. and neither does talking to other pregnant women because clearly everything is totally different from one day to the next. i'm just shocked it was such a difference overnight. especially because i didn't eat heavy food yesterday. the picture was taken after me and gabby ate sushi (and tempura bananas. yum, well for me anyway).

      nose is the same little. and all my shoes still fit. and i still weigh roughly the same. like .5 – 2 lbs under where i started.

  2. did you go to Blue Fish without me!? >;-( I'm not going to tell you about good place, because I never get invited. 🙁

    And LMAO to the pictires!!! I guess it has been a few weeks since I've seen you, damn. I think it is a little due to what you're wearing in the 2nd pic, makes your butt stick out. Don't worry, mine will be gigantic!

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