I was 14 in 1996. These are formidable years. I vividly remember where I was when Tupac was killed. I still reference Mars Attacks and I watch Independence Day every time I see it on. I still am not a fan of Brandy cause I absolutely hated Moesha’s refusal of her dad’s brand new Kia and she drove that shit jeep she bought with her own money or whatever. FORMIDABLE YEARS.
Anyway Addy is 14 today. I’ll give you a minute to process.
When you are 14 your music is your everything. Your parents don’t understand anything. It’s me, I’m parents. I don’t understand a lot of her pop culture references and when she has sleepovers and her friends are like “put on Sir Mix-A-Lot” unironically I’m like “what? why…what?!”. And I turn off Sexxy Red and Future when they come on the radio (XM) cause it’s absolutely terrible but I pull up to the school rapping 2004 Ludacris. When she addresses us as a unit, we are “chat” or “bruh”. She does not care about hanging out at the mall too much but she relishes the 10 minutes after school I give her before pickup. Art is everything.

A lot of family members are having a hard time with 14. I think at 13 it’s cute to be like oh wow you’re a teenager but then 14 is in the thick of it. A real life actual teenager. I’m not too bothered. But we’ll see how I feel when high school starts.
So here’s to the formidable years! And to me not finding the template thing I used all the other years because I have become very lax on my online file organization.
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Cheese Pizza (still)
Favorite Movie: Twisters (2024)
Favorite Song/Band: Travis Scott, The Weeknd (insert eye roll from mom), Stray Kids
Favorite Show: Dr. Stone (anime)

Love This!! You know this makes me feel……🙈
The Sexxy Red slander is wild work
Fourteen. Whew!
God speed, Twin. And keep your home bar stocked. lol