This Saturday is Independent Bookstore Day. Normally I have a few bookstores to hit up and I get books to add on to my never-ending to be read pile. Houston Indie Bookstores have gotten together to have a book crawl the entire month and I’ve been doing a lot of book buying. And I’ve been invited to do a meet and greet at The Book Reader’s Venue. So that means people are gonna be like “oh hey you wrote this? sign it please” and I’m gonna be like “you sure you came here to see me?” I know it’s a big deal but my brain has not really adjusted to the idea that people read things I write. Despite the fact this blog has been on the internet in some capacity for like 11 years.
Being perceived is a doozy.
And then it’s bound to be “what’s next” and I can’t even get into that right now cause I don’t know. Do I try to write things? A little. But would I rather be playing Stardew Valley? Absolutely all day.
But I pre-spent any book money on a new notebook (I’ll spare you the details on that) that should be used for writing so now I kinda gotta do something so I can buy more notebooks.
I recognize it’s a “problem”.

And obviously, if you can’t make it and want a book you can get them online.