There’s this meme about notebook people and how we just need this one last notebook and that’s going to change *everything*. Cause I am content in my Bullet Journal life but the others come and go so why not just shove all the things into one.
So the theory was an Everything Notebook. Well, not a theory, I kinda sat and read Joan Didion’s “On Keeping a Notebook” again and was like okay that’s what I need. Not well crafted enough to be Instragrammable. Portable enough to always be nearby. For journaling, commonplace*, shopping lists, Black Keys lyrics, and drink recipes. Everything (except obviously not everything there are plenty of supplemental notebooks being toted around lol).
And it works in theory. The actual vessel needs some tweaking. I journaled every single day. I learned nothing new about myself except I like to doodle on paper. A lot. And that I will never be the type of person that writes for a long time in the morning but I did change my mind about what journaling is. Basically whatever you want it to be. And it’s February 1st and I’ve used like 2/5 of it so far.

* a commonplace book is a place where you collect the thoughts and words of others. if you’ve ever been a notebook person, odds are you had one and just didn’t know what it was called. Read this.
author’s note: there is absolutely nothing wrong with the Zequenz 360 notebook. i actually like that you can bend it all the way around. however I do not like lined notebooks and the lines are too wide and it’s iffy on some fountain pen ink and it doesn’t lay flat. so I am pickier than one should be but I never said I wasn’t a notebook snob. that said, I don’t hate it.