There’s a few big things that stand out so let’s just get into it.
Florence Welch, my King, has a new album out. It’s called Dance Fever. To put it mildly, I am obsessed. Florence was complaining the other day that the label is making her do “lo-fi TikToks” but she’s promoting the hell out of this album so I assume that she will be in hiding another 5 years when the tour is over. Before the album even came out, I bought myself a ticket to the concert in Austin. It will be an *experience*. I will get a post-show tattoo. I pre-ordered a CD bundle that came with a book of the lyrics. Because I have Florence’s other book of lyrics and doodles and poems and stuff and it only covers the first 3 albums. And I got the indie pressing of the album from Cactus Music and it came with little tarot title cards. I was <this> close to buying the signed CD but I don’t even have a CD player so 2 CDs of the same CD is a bit silly.

Severance S1 – Apple+
Holy shit. Severance is with no hyperbole, the best television show I have ever watched. And I say this having been completely engrossed with HBO’s Watchmen and Six Feet Under. I knew very, very little about Severance going in. I saw tweets about a waffle party. I knew it starred Adam Scott. I knew Ben Stiller directed. And I assumed it was a bit trippy. That’s truly all you need to know. It’s for people who like…Inception. The Matrix. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The Island. Good ass TV. I watched all 9 episodes Saturday. INHALED IT. And now I’m in the post-show plummet. I’m going to watch it again. I’m forever amazed by the quality of TV Apple is producing.
Ok so here’s the other stuff I’ve watched:
- Atlanta S3 (FX) – Man. How amazing was this? The whole thing. Horror. Blackness. The perils of white allies. The Twilight Zone. Absolutely loved it. Very glad we don’t have to wait 3 more years for S4.
- Detroiters S2 (Comedy Central) – Last month I knew this was going to be a heavy rewatch show of mine. I’ve already watched both seasons again.
- Moon Knight S1 (Disney+) – I am biased because of my love of Oscar Isaac but it was interesting to watch a Marvel show with no direct references to any of the other cinematic universe. And split personalities. I love it.
- The Circle S4 (Netflix) – this season was very fun. Scary Spice and Baby Spice make a short appearance for a few episodes and I learned that the Brits call it an “aubergine emoji”. Pure delight.
- The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) – This is the meta Nic Cage movie where he plays himself and he’s stuck with a Spanish gangster (Pedro Pascal) and the US Government (Tiffany Haddish) tries to get him to spy on the gangster. It’s absurd but a really fun movie. Remember when movies used to be fun?
- The Lost City (2021) – this is streaming on my sister’s Paramount+ account so we watched it. A FUN MOVIE. Sandy Bullock? Yes always. Channing Tatum? A *delight*. Brad Pitt? YES OBVIOUSLY.
- Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers (2022) (Disney+) – More fun! I loved it for the throwback references and Addy loved it cause it is just a fun movie. Plus Andy Samberg does one of the voices and Addy is a Brooklyn99 stan.
- Dr. Strange et al (2022) – I looked at this as more of a continuation of WandaVision, so yes you need to see WandaVision before watching. Dr. Strange is a catalyst for many events but he is not a fun character. Plus Everything, Everwhere, All the Time was the superior multiverse movie.
- All The Way Down part 2 (HBOMax) – They finally finished that documentary on the diet cult church and it was anti-climatic.
- Winning Time S1 (HBO) – fantastic TV! I’m glad they’re going to be doing an S2.
- Bridgerton S2 (Netflix) – the slow burn enemies to lovers was fine. Plus brown people everywhere!
- Woke S2 (Hulu) – very funny and even more Black than the previous season. I’m shocked and entertained.
- Mythic Quest S1 (Apple+) – a workplace comedy but it’s nerds at a video game. So it’s funny and nerdy and funny. I’m going straight into S2.
- Killing Eve S4 (AMC) – I finally figured out what channel it’s on. So S4 felt…different. It took a long time for me to get into it and the ending was a let down. Like they worked it out (enough, but there are many loose ends) and it ended but nobody was satisfied with the ending. I didn’t savor it, I did a solid binge cause I was scared if I didn’t then I wouldn’t finish. I saw articles and the general angry tweets about the finale. The fans, they are upset. They are petitioning for another season to correct the wrongs of the S4 showrunner. One day I might read the series to get the ending that was intended. Maybe.
On The Bubble
I have watched a few episodes of a couple shows and I just don’t know which way it’s going to go. I’m not invested enough to commit and I’m watching too many things to casually watch a show. Like they have one more episode before I delete it from the Watch History.
- Corporate (Comedy Central) – I was like well I like Detroiters so much let me try this. It’s a workplace comedy but it’s too much like real life to be funny. It’s one of those absurd companies that does everything and the boss is a menace and there’s a batch of incompetents and then there’s the one person just trying to work. But it’s dark. So I’d rather just watch Better Off Ted.
- I Love That For Your (Showtime) – Vanessa Bayer (SNL) plays a girl whose dream job is to be on the home shopping network. Her idol Molly Shannon is a star on the network. Jenifer Lewis is the shrewd boss that wants to fire Vanessa, but Vanessa lies and says she survived cancer as a child and her cancer is back. So I watched 3 episodes? Jenifer Lewis looks amazing. AMAZING. I love Molly Shannon always, but the show is chock full of second-hand embarrassment cringe moments. And that is so hard to watch right now.
- Pause with Sam Jay (HBO) – I saw Sam had a new season start on HBO and because I loved Bust Down so much I thought I’d give it a go. But it’s not scripted. It’s like a social commentary show. But it’s Sam and her friends chatting about something or another then she goes and interviews people. And the first episode is with young Black conservatives. I appreciate that this is a Black show. There are some social commentary things that are like Black People 101 for white liberals. This wasn’t that but I’m also not the type to give a shit about what young Black conservatives have to say. Like me and Sam wouldn’t be friends although I don’t have anything against her. I obviously like her writing, just not her commentary? Is that possible? I think that’s why I might give it one more episode?
By The Book – Jasmine Guillory
Jasmine did a reimagining of Beauty and the Beast with a young Black woman in publishing that has to get a reclusive ex-Hollywood type, Beau, to write his memoir. It was fine. I knew what to expect. Good for a plane ride.
Nothing Burns As Bright As You – Ashley Woodfolk
Two young Black girls deal with their friendship/being in love while they get in trouble at school for starting a fire. Normally I wouldn’t go for this type of book because it’s written in lyrical form. Like many tiny poems and you know how poetry has no correct justification? I can’t stand that. But it was short and lovely and I read it in a day.
- Norm MacDonald : Nothing Special – Norm recorded a comedy special before he passed, in the event that he did die, and I really want to watch it but I’m going to cry. And then laugh. And then cry some more.
- Gaslit (Showtime)
- The Boys S3 (Prime Video) JUNE 3!!!!!!!!! I love it.
- PValley S2 (Starz) YESSSSSSSS!
- The Old Man (FX) – this starts mid-June and Addy saw a commercial and was like “they couldn’t come up with a better name than that?” but Jeff Bridges is in it and I’m going to watch it. At least 2 episodes anyway.
- Night Sky (Prime Video) – so from what I gather, Sissy Spacek and JK Simmons have a portal to another planet in their basement???? I love weird stuff so I gotta watch. (IMDb says “Follows Franklin and Irene York, a couple who years ago discovered a chamber buried in their backyard which inexplicably leads to a strange, deserted planet.” So yes I’m watching this)
- Jurassic Park 33 – honestly it doesn’t matter what they do I have to watch this. I owe it to my 12-year-old self to watch every single one they make until the end of time.
The Best Thing
This is old but I watch it any time I need immediate laughter
— Cesfresh (@C33Jayy_) March 27, 2022
Please everyone talk to me about Severance. Watch it and report back. What are you watching? What am I missing?
Lots of stuff for me to check out. Thanks!