Darndest Things 12.06.19

Home Alone is on Disney+. Addy’s seen it before but we usually watch it when it’s on cable TV with commercials every 8 minutes. So we put it on because the lightbox currently reads Ya Filthy Animals, and we are in Christmas mode.

It’s funny now because we mostly like to point out how terrible Kevin McAllister is and how he’d get his ass beat, but Kevin is 8 and Addy is 8. Except Kevin was 8 in 1990 has a very different set of skills than an 8 year old in 2019.

We get to the scene when Kevin goes to the store on his own and gets milk and fabric softner so I ask Addy what she would buy if she had to go to the store on her own.

Me: What would you buy from the store if you had to go on your own?

Addy: Candy. Dog food. ……….and steak.

Me: Do you know how to make steak.

Addy: …..leave the recipe.

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