Maybe this will be the title for these updates. Cause it’s clearly not every week and Currently implies what I’m actually doing when I prefer to update what I’m finished with. Plus I can add in just some generalities?? Let’s see how this goes.
The Boys – S1 (Amazon).
Holy balls it was so good. SO GOOD. It’s dark as hell. Watch it. I promise I will chat with you about it on social media. I PROMISE.
House of Cards – S6 (Netflix)
No, there’s no new season out but we finally sat and did a solid binge of season six cause we’re adults that found ourselves with a free Sunday. Claire Underwood is running shit now and they mention Francis but because Kevin Spacey is a horrible person they don’t even let his voice on the show. It’s the last season and it was time for the show to end and I’m glad Hillary, I mean Claire, got to run the show for a little while.
30 Rock – I’m watching 30 Rock again because it is hilarious and the world is not and I need some Liz Lemon in my life.
The Royal Gemstones (HBO)
Danny McBride’s (whom I still call Red) new new HBO show about a megachurch family run by the father and his bumbling idiot children. One is getting blackmailed and it’s so dark and funny. OMG it’s so funny but it’s only been 2 episodes so we’ll see how it goes.
I’ve been listening to Hills I’d Die On podcast hosted by a comedy writer and she has her comedy writer friends come in and discuss a hill they would die on. Like, “Adults Who Love Disney Are Unwell”, “JK Rowling is Dead”, “Thanksgiving Stinks”. It’s fun.
Conan has been airing his mini series with Dana Carvey and it’s mostly Conan just setting up Dana to do impersonations for 25 minutes and I absolutely love it but my love for Conan and/or Dana is not new to this blog.
I finished Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams. I bought it because of the cover. But it’s about a 25 year old black girl in London trying to deal with a breakup. She often notes that she listens to The Read and she makes very terrible partner choices. 3.5/5 rating units.

Also Shea Serrano and his wife wrote a very cute essay about their wedding, A Wedding Thing, so it still fit in my rules for only reading women author’s this year. And it was free on Amazon and I was waiting in the car dealership for a new battery.
I’m on the fence about what to spend my audible credit on. Jennifer Weiner and Elizabeth Gilbert both have new books out about women over several decades. Both are over like 15 hours on audible wtf. I can only read one now, not both cause I’ll get them mixed up. I also have a ridiculously long TBR (to be read) list and I’ve started listening to What Should I Read Next podcast so it’s just going to continue to grow.
No Spend.
I’ve put myself on a no spend for books, pens and ink, and planner stuff for the month of August. It’s supposed to be to curb my impulse spending. I typically will instantly buy a thing right away because I want it and then I get it and I don’t use it. So I am supposed to be going through the stuff I have and use that. But I desperately want this new Traveler’s Notebook (Passport size) and I’ve been obsessing about it since August 1 so I’m going to buy it next week. I’ve been also been wish listing for 2020 planner stuff. I’m back in my bullet journal so that means the 3 other planners I thought I would use aren’t what I want. Fun.
Existential Crisis.
Last week, the president mumbled a few words that triggered A LOT of Armageddon talk. Coupled with the ice caps melting and the Amazon on fire, it really got my #endtimes senses tingling. Coincidentally I came across a progressive Christian chat on twitter (#SlateSpeak)that was happening at the same time and I found out that a lot of millennials have Rapture Anxiety. It can mostly be traced back to the Left Behind series but I never read them and my RA is from watching The Stand on VHS at someone’s house in the 90s, and also a youth Christian retreat weekend where they did a deep dive into Revelations and barcodes. ANYWAY basically if you grew up in a Christian faith home, you might have Rapture Anxiety. It’s to where a lot of us will walk into a space alone and think “oh shit I missed the Rapture”. It was a funny phenomenon and I asked about it on Facebook and then I got into a deep existential crisis about fear based religion as a tool to keep society in line and I had to put my head on my desk for a few minutes because my brain was melting and I thought I was going to give myself a nosebleed.
I keep seeing previews for Why Women Kill on CBS’s streaming service and I’m considering getting this because I really want to see the show and I’m so upset that TV is just stringing together a bunch of services and watching nothing in real time.
Current Jams
Ritual Union by Little Dragon
Obama’s Summer 2019 playlist
He also did a reading list.
Thicke – A Beautiful World
I still really really love this album.
Missy – Throwback
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