First Grade is Over

First grade is over.  Well like a couple weeks ago but here I am posting about it. 


The city was off to a weird start because the first day of school was pushed back and we tried to sort out what was what after Hurricane Harvey.  Because of it, the district was more relaxed about the dress code and they fed the kids free lunch every day.  Addy wasn’t having any of it because I still had to wake up and make PB&J sandwiches every morning.

We were excited to have a veteran teacher but she ended up with a promotion in the middle of the year and was replaced by a first year teacher.  I wasn’t too upset because it is just first grade and we don’t depend on the school to teach the kid everything.  That’s what YouTube is for.  She’s become increasingly inquisitive about how babies are born and I’ve made a point to make sure we use proper words but she hasn’t asked about how they’re made.  The Bumpies suggested for difficult to answer questions like that, you ask the kid what they think and then go from there.  You might save yourself a conversation for a little bit.  However, she did just ask how fish have babies and then how seahorses have babies so my search history is interesting.

Brownlee went to do the Watch Dogs program a few times which is really just a class mom, but a guy.  So he helped with projects, helped the teacher keep the kids in order.  Addy reported back that he also might have threatened to fight some of the children if they didn’t quit trying to fight each other.

The kids on the other side of the fence finally cracked a board enough so that they can just slide through it.  Addy and the kid were also in the same class so that was fun.

I also took way less pictures. Oops.

One thought on “First Grade is Over

  1. Congratulations on conquering first grade! I always feel as if I’ve struck gold when my children manage to get veteran teachers, but I had to check myself because first year teachers can be just as good. And just like you said, it’s not all up to the teacher to teach our children.

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