The internet will ruin everything you love. Or increase your love tenfold and then quickly and viciously ruin it. Everything.
While the debate has been going on for months as to Bill Cosby’s innocence or guilt (but mainly just how many women, and if you think otherwise you can kindly click away), it has become clear that a lot of people can not separate Bill Cosby from Cliff Huxtable.
And I can see it. You grow up with these people and expect them to be a certain way. How can Fat Albert drug and rape these women? Picture Pages?! That’s just the art of acting. Right? Like I’d honestly be surprised if I met Vince Vaughn and he wasn’t an asshole. But how you act so good?!
The Boondocks approached this subject when they took on the Trial of R. Kelly and how nobody (except Ariel) cared that he engaged in sexual acts with a minor because have you heard the Ignition Remix? Fiesta Remix? When A Woman’s Fed Up? Bump n Grind? Dave Chappelle told us the music was scandal proof.
Can I love Down Low and hate R. Kelly? Or do I have to channel all my hatred for the Best of Both Worlds CD to remind me that he ain’t all that.
Can I enjoy anything by Woody Allen? Because I love Annie Hall. Can I still love everything that Josh Brolin has been in? I’m still going to enjoy XMen First Class because Michael Fassbender is beautiful and Magneto is bad ass. John Lennon? Ruint. And you’re torn between being a sympathizer for a horrible human being and just wanting to not think and be entertained. Someone please help Shia Lebouf. I can’t even remember a movie besides Mean Girls that Lindsay Lohan was in.

And they keep trying to ruin Tina Fey for me but I refuse to let it happen. I’ve learned to click away. Granted it might just be the price of fame and the stream of information we absorb all hours of the day. I know too much about acquantances from high school. I block people from telling me happy birthday on Facebook. I’m not quite a Internet lurker, but not an engager More of a this is what I have to say and you can agree or you can move arounder. But I also don’t get paid all the dollars.
While I’m lukewarm at best on Beyonce I often wonder if she needs the constant internet surveillance. She has a kid. Is it fair they record the family’s every move? Does she have to pay that price because I like to do the dance from Single Ladies? And on the flip side, I never want to hear an interview from her. Just sing and dance. And she wants to speak her mind and do the documentaries and that’s cool because there is clearly and audience from it. But do I have to know that much about celebrities.
J. Cole has been fantastic about supporting the protesters in Ferguson. He flew down and marched and it was only known because a few (thousand) people tweeted it. He’ll be like “Yo I’m at the mall, come meet up with me” and he will meet his damn fans! That’s fantastic and I love it and now I kinda care about J. Cole. But is he the best rapper? He says he is in that song he has but I’m like…you cool so I’ll let you make it.
I don’t need to know as much as the internet tells me about anyone. It can’t be stopped. So heed my advice and never Google anyone you love. Tumblr will make you hate them. Instagram will make you sick of them. (Stop taking pictures Adele and make a new damn CD). Twitter will tease you or horrify you in statements shorter than this paragraph. Wikipedia will tell you your favorite Australian rock band broke up and Shaka Rock is the last Jet CD you’ll ever own and you never got to see them in concert.
I’m trying to take the stance on art as entertainment as I do on hood ass rap songs I love that’s described in this fantsatic clip of Chris Rock: (skip to about 2:45 – 4:00 and don’t listen at work without headphone
If CSI has taught us anything, it's that if there's an audience for crap, crap will continue to be made. The world is full of voyeurs and everyone wants that behind the scenes peek. Sometimes it's TMI. Almost always it's TMI. It permeates, so it's hard to separate the person from the role. I think because we, as unfamous humans, would hate to be judged on our work product based on a mistake we've made in our personal lives, should be careful not to judge an entire career's worth of work based on something that isn't our business. I mean Bill Cosby now seems like a pretty awful guy but that doesn't mean Cliff doesn't warrant a chuckle, provided Cosby Show reruns are ever a thing again.
I tried googling Josh Brolin and Tina Fey to see why the internet hates them and page one of google gave me nothing. Perhaps there's hope for the world yet!
I was thinking about this and then listening to Call Your Girlfriend and how the Red Carpet makes us horrible garbage people. And it's just a ball of judging but they keep feeding us the “news”Josh Brolin beats Diane Lane. I don't think it's new news so ya know. And mostly people just think Tina is only here for white women. How can that be when I am Liz Lemon?!From: notifications@intensedebatemail.comTo: bre87@hotmail.comSubject: Bre Writes – New comment on: Hate the Art or the Artist