Houston Moms Blog turned 1 so we had a giant birthday party bash where I learned Addy is about as tall as most 4-5 year olds. So that’s how things are going at 3 years 7 months.
One of the most fun things that happened this month is that Addy participated in a 1K. The Running of the Bulls. HA! Brownlee and Gabby were doing a 5K for the Houston Texans and he learned that Addy could do the 1K for kids. Which meant I had to do a 1K for kids. And then everyone was like “how long is a K”. ‘MERICA!
Anyway we told her it was a race and she was very official and got a number but it was some freak cold front that caused snow in Calgary and 65 degree September weather in Houston. She had her hoodie on but kept checking to make sure her number was in tact.
After a little bit of walking (because it was still 745am) she decided it was time to run and then “won the race” about 7 times. (Any time she stopped running, she won.)
The day before the wedding, she knocked her tooth back into her gums and well the dentist was right and it’s working it’s way back out. Yay human body!
She’s had minimal accidents so it’s mostly safe to say she’s daytime potty trained. I have no idea where to even start for night time. But she’s trained herself so well so far. She can figure it out (only slightly kidding). We just have to make sure you know where the bathrooms are everywhere. And I taught her that the girl’s bathroom has the picture with the dress so now she won’t go in with Brownlee. Oops?