In my first grand act of violating the imaginary trust of privacy between parents and kids, I decided to go through Addy’s camera to see what she’s been up to. And then use those pictures because I haven’t really looked at my SD card in a week and I don’t have the energy to edit any pictures because of the feels. So yay for Wordless Wednesday still happening.
Anyway, you will recall Addy got a camera for her 3rd birthday. And while she mostly uses it to play games, because everything has games on it, she has been using the camera more for picture purposes. Sunday, Brownlee came home with Doc McStuffins band-aids for her and she went to get her camera to take a picture. A couple weeks ago she also got on my Instagram account and decided to take pictures of me while I was driving.
Anyway, here are some of the pictures from the past few months.

But where is the pic where you're turning around as if to say "stop it, paparazzi!"?
Priceless! She is going to be one very multi-talented child. (And, yes, I'm biased!)