A lot has been going on. On Earth I mean. I considered writing this last week but thinking it would be best not to because things can be convoluted when you’re right in the middle of them. But here we are a week later and I still got the feels.
Ferguson, Missouri
When America was attacked on Septermeber 11, 2001, I was glued to the TV for days. Taking in bits of what CNN and NBC had to offer as far as what was devloped, what happened, what was going to happen etc. The internet had some details, but I wasn’t going to sit at my desktop when I could lay in the bed and watch TV. Then I saw a doctor saying you shouldn’t immerse yourself in the coverage. Yes it was important to be iformed, but too much of it was bad for you. But how could I not watch? Nothing had ever happened like it in my lifetime.
And now I find myself in the same immersion with the Ferguson, Missouri…I don’t even know what to call it. Protests? Murder case? General government fuckery? All of the above. My mind is blown. And the crazy thing is that it’s not the news that I’m getting my coverage from. It’s Twitter. Everyone is a journalist when you give them a Twitter account. Eye witness accounts of things happening live, on site. And yes some of it you have to weed through but most of it is undeniable. You see 90 year old Holocaust survisors being freed from an arrest for protesting. You see vigils for victims of police violence being held in over 90 cities. You see a PayPal account where you can donate to help the protesters. You see celebrities give their support or condemnation. Then you look on the TV and see maybe 8% of that. And I can’t wrap my brain around how much we don’t know about anything because all we’ve ever had is one media source to tell us anything.
But again, I can’t look away. I’ve seen footage of Civil Rights movements because they teach you in school and you get the bear minimum refresher every February. And most of the time you think “this is America, it’s great here” and then you see Ferguson, Missouri and realize it could be any city in the country and the people are fighting against the same thing they were 50 years ago. Except with more eyewitnesses.
It’s 1984 and our dystopian society is now. #staywoke
If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.
Desmond Tutu

Robin Williams
Like. I don’t even know what to say about it. It’s one of those celebrity deaths you take personally. Like 2Pac or Amy Winehouse. And the movie channels keep showing Aladdin and Good Will Hunting and…
I gotta go see about a girl
Our officiant sent us a rundown of the wedding ceremony, that is somehow only 2 weeks away. My calendar must be wonky. Anyway while I am staunchly against most things deemed necessary and traditional when it comes to wedding ceremonies, we went with regular standard issue vows and I still got verklempt.