Addy was actually home all day Sunday. It was…like a first time ever. So we decided to make the most of it and go bowling. Some of the March Bumpies have taken their kids and it seemed exciting enough with minimal effort. I’m all about that life.
She was ready to do anything when we were up laying around the house. We both have this condition where cabin fever sets in swiftly and severely and we must get out and do something. I showed her about 30 seconds of a YouTube clip of a kid bowling and she goes “I want to go bowling!”
Fantastic. The bowling alley opened at 12 and we got there at 12:08. I was kinda bummed because they didn’t have size 8 shoes. Fortunately we threw some Nikes in the bag and Addy was none the wiser. Brownlee showed her the whole idea of it and before his ball hit the pins she was like “Okay, my turn,” which means “move the hell out my way and let me do it.”
We tried a few techniques but she was determined to get her ball down the lane on her own (with the bumpers).
OMG it took forever to get down the lane. We were scared it would get stuck. The guys were nice enough to give her two 6 lb balls so by the time her ball was bumping a pin like Marge Simpson, she already had the other ball ready to throw down the lane.
I should have let her watch more than 30 seconds of YouTube so she knew that bowling was also about waiting your damn turn. When I moved her out of the way so I could roll she was pissed.
She got a little better after we bought popcorn and she was like “is it your turn?” but still. So much attitude.
But fortunately, we can now sit her down and let her watch The Big Lebowski because she will at least get the bowling references. I might have to explain what a pederast or nihilism is but whatever.
At least I don’t have to explain to her how to not cross the foul line.

Hahahhaa!!! Awesome, and love the follow through pose 🙂
OMG. The "I did it" picture. Your kid is awesome.
"waiting your damn turn". You crack me up! (And so does Addy – reminds me of someone I know 😉 )