I found another gray hair today.
I am also battling a horrific acne outbreak.
I’m 31 years old. What part of the game is this? It’s starting to get to the point where I might have to do something about this. Like start a regimine? I don’t have the something to keep up with doing things over and over. What’s the word? Wherewithall? Will? Patience?
The hair dye part is simple enough I suppose. I’ve dyed my hair since I was 15 or so but now I see I’ll have to stick to that 6 week scam Revlon is trying to pull. It wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t ALSO have to get a haircut every 6 weeks. How am I supposed to keep up this self-maintenance and acting like I know how to raise a kid and also do things at work and act like I’m really trying to be involved in planning this wedding and be a productive member of society and get 6 hours sleep and read books and watch Neftlix? How Internet?
And now I’m going to really have to get a skin routine. Some black soap or witch hazel or Proactiv or whatever. I”m annoyed. Obviously. And I would like to say that this is because (here comes a feminist rant) we live in a society where women are not allowed to just walk around as they naturally are because ad execs (Mad Men was on tonight) and fashion designers and Republicans want to tell us how we should look and behave. But it’s really just I don’t want to have to deal with this type of maintenance. Why can’t I just wake up all the way gray like Rogue?
Brownlee was very UNsympathetic to my screeches from the bathroom as I came out holding a handful of hair pointing to the general direction of an errant gray strand that could only be seen in my harsh, crappy bathroom lighting. He rubbed his salt and pepper beard ironically (hipster shiz) and said he didn’t see what the big deal was. BECAUSE WHEN WILL SMITH GETS OLD AND GRAY HE IS EVEN MORE ATTRACTIVE AND WHEN HILARY CLINTON GETS OLD PEOPLE WRITE ARTICLES ABOUT HER PONYTAIL HOLDERS!
Feminism (and clear skin) now!

So I have had the same grey hair meltdown recently. The nice thing is that it disappears outside the light from your bathroom, but while you are in the bathroom OMG I HAVE A GREY HAIR AND I'M NOT EVEN 30 BUY ALL THE HAIR DYE (at least for me, I have 6 more months of being a 20something). I don't know how real adults live. I stopped reading things that aren't on my phone and that has given me far more time for sleeping, but as to how to get other, real life shit done, I have no idea. But the offer to help plan your wedding still stands. Surely between your Pinterest and Tumblr I could figure out what you want, right?
man, i don\’t even know what an adult entails anymore. i\’m over searching lol.
I told the man at the liquor store (what?) that I was 37 after he asked me if I was 23. Apparently, I'm not aging at all.. at least to the naked eye. In reality, bones and joints hurt, I have a patch of gray and memory is a thing I don't remember. Other than that, life is grande! I too had to develop a skin regiment after moving to a dryer climate. It's not quite daily, but I have enough consistent patches to keep my skin from looking ashy. I enjoy growing older though. I love feeling like I'm improving at being me. That comes with age, experience and wisdom. I'm down with that.
i definetely like 31 tons more than 21 but i mean with this acne? wtf.
: Ahahhaha!! You should see the back of my head! But I am accepting it as it is. I hope I get a Rogue-like gray streak, cause I won't be coloring it for sure. Also, we are not that old and did you really just bring the Republicans into this? LOL. The End.
WHY DID YOU MENTION THE BACK OF MY HEAD I CAN\’T SEE! now i have to have Brownlee check.
Girl, I've been getting my hair colored every six weeks for YEARS because I grayed in college. SUPER LAME. And I've recently been suffering from acne too and it's like WHY. I suppose this is the lovely age in which we get to have both!
Also I love that last image, it is fantastic. Feminism for the win!
at least we\’re not alone. lordy.
I have to chime in here, Bre' Bre'. I'm 52 years old (and your mom), and I have a zit on my chin at this very moment. Keep hope alive!
thanks mom. lol.