I realize that some people are more interested in Addy and I usually only post a Wednesday pic of her or a monthly summary.
So here’s some deets on what she does on the regular day-to-day basis.
Thursday was picture day in class. Don’t call it school. It’s class. I reminded her that she needed to take a decent picture because the last two rounds have been awful but I keep buying them. She said she would and even made sure she had this hair bow in her head (that doesn’t match) for the day.

Full disclosure: I kinda hope the Hello Kitty sunglasses made the cut.
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Every day when I pick her up from daycare she tells me “I had a good day Mommy.” I’m fairly certain this is true because I don’t know how a 2 year old could have a bad day. Maybe if his old lady keeps hassling him about long hours at work? Juice box shortages? Cut backs on the Disney channel. I just don’t see how it’s possible. Either way, everything is coming up roses at day care.
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Wednesday she was pushing her baby around in a stroller and put her on sunglasses and goes “come on baby, we going to Target”.
I was proud.
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But she also told me to look at her butt, which I did, and then she laughed and goes “I farted”.
I laughed.
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I’ve also learned that toddlers are generally untrustworthy. They have reason to be because adults are generally lying to them. But we get into arguments over silly things. She likes to wear these flip flops a lot. And most of the time she will get them on the correct feet but sometimes they’re wrong and if I try to correct her, she straight up does not believe me. Just a simple “no” suffices for her and she will continue on wrong footed without a care in a the world.
If she gets in trouble she gets narcoleptic on us. Just “I SLEEPY” in the middle of you reprimanding her and she’ll lay on the floor.
Like those goats.
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As per usual, I have no idea what I’ve signed up for.
Soon I will need to get this.
: What!? She does the sleepy thing too!? Aspen does that all the freaking time, like how am I supposed to yell and reprimand if she is gonna lay her head down and "sleep"!? UGH!
LOL at Target – you have taught her well. If she starts taking her baby to Starbucks or thrifting, I will be doubly impressed! I'm going to try the narcolepsy thing next time someone criticizes me. Love it.
OMG…those fainting goats get me every time. I literally LOL'ed reading about how Addy does that – so funny! She is a smart girl! I'm sure it's tough to reprimand her when she's being hilariously adorable 🙂
And she does the "I'm sleepy" thing with her grandparents, too. But we always cave! LOL!
Finally saw the narcolepsy with my own eyes. hilarious. how do kids know how to get out of trouble? lol.