I’ve become bored with my standard background for pictures. The living room. The park down the street. The complex we live in. Same stuff over and over. So I’ve been trying to think of new places and things to take pictures of. When we were in the country I got this pic I love.

Anyway I was like wait a minute! I can take pictures of me. I have a tripod. I got that remote shutter release for whatever reason (probably cause it was like $6). I’ve only really taken these self portraits for Facebook profile pic purposes.
So here’s some more!
but self portraits are too hard and awkward so i figured something like this was more representative of a self portrait and slightly less goofy.

oh, and Addy got in on the fun too. she saw the camera AND the tripod AND the remote and well…
At least they aren’t in a bathroom.
I love the one of your feet!
Not in a bathroom plus no duckfaces. You're raising her right, for sure!
basically…the coolest shit ever. 🙂
I love it!