We took Addy to see her first movie today.
Well, she’s seen about 100 movies 1000 times each. Just this weekend at Naynee’s we watched Wreck-It Ralph for the 1st-8th times in 2 days. But she’s only know the joy of motion pictures on high definition televisions and retina displayed iPads and whatever high pixled blah blah makes up my phone screen.
I won’t go into the joy of seeing a projector wheeled into class for a film strip but whatever.
We took her to see Despicable Me 2.
I had been holding out to make sure that this was her first going to the movie theater experience. Monster’s University was out and there have been other movies (ie, Wreck-It Ralph) that I thought she would enjoy, but Despicable Me was the first movie I can remember her quoting and I mean I wanted to see it too.
We opted for the earliest showing. 9:45 am is damn early to go to the movies. But that’s after breakfast, before lunch, and nowhere near nap time.
I worked at the movies my senior year in high school so I basically know everything there is to know about the movie theater. I know there are 20-30 minutes of previews and commercials. I know that kids movies include hella bored parents. (When I was working there, the Pokemon movies were out. I would see dads with newspapers in their laps. HA! Newspapers. Crazy dads.) And kids movies are between 1:30 and 1:40 long.
We got there at 9:50 and bought tickets. What I totally failed to realize was that ticket prices have steadily gone up since 1999/2000. The early AM ticket that used to run me $5 is now $6.50. And they don’t give a shit that you have a cute toddler in tow who will probably zone out 30 minutes into the movie.
Also popcorn prices are ridiculous. I got Addy a kids pack whatever the thing is and it included a small popcorn, small drink, and fruit snacks. $6.75. But by the time we all walked into the theater, the movie was starting. So let’s call it a win.
I think she was a little freaked out about walking into a pitch black giant room but once she recognized the Despicable Me music (Pharrell is jammin on everything he touches this summer) she cuddled right on into YaYa’s lap and proceeded to eat every kernel of popcorn out of her bag.

She got comfortable once Agnes, Edith, and Margo got on the screen and started to smile a bit. When the action started (and people started getting whacked) she was full on cracking up.
But so was I, and YaYa. And this kid behind us was about 6 or so and was hilarious. I mean he was shouting “Oh. My. GOD!” and cracking up and his dad was knocked out. I’m surprised he didn’t pull out his phone and start reading articles. Around 45 minutes in some other kid way up top just started going nuts. Not crying exactly just repetitive noise making like “why are we still sitting here”. Nobody really seemed bothered by it, well except for the 6 year old.
Either way, she was a happy girl afterwards so I’m going to try to treat all future movies accordingly. And hopefully I’ll be prepared for the sticker shock.
Let’s just hope she’s not trying to watch this again 8 more times this week.
She's so adorable! She's much better than P, we JUST got to where we can go to the movies. Of course he doesn't want to watch anything for kids, it has to be the Lone Ranger and such.
If y'all ever want to come down, Cinemark 18 has $1 days on Tuesdays and I think we are going to try to go to all of them.
Love your pic for the blog's sake. Always thinking of your followers! And that's awesome that she sat still… at least it was $ well spent!
So excited that she loved it. Sorry I missed it though. 🙁
I feel so blessed to be a part of one of Addy's "first" times. I'm so glad that I can use my granddaughter to go and see kiddie movies. Despicable Me is so funny. Brownlee told me that Bre and I laughed more than the kids. So true! And I'm not embarrassed one bit. LOL!