Fun and Games

so one of the girls on the bump posted this Madame Zaritska Predicts your Birthing Experience online quiz. you answer a few silly questions and get your results.  here:

The day you deliver, outside will be cloudy. Your baby will arrive in the late night. After a labor lasting approximately 19 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 4 pounds, 8 ounces, and will be 16 inches long. This child will have dark violet eyes and a little patch of auburn hair.

LMAO. here’s the website:

ooh looks like there’s other quizzes! let’s take them…

Madame Zaritska also suggests baby names:

For a male child:

For a female child:

of course we all know the name is not to be discussed….or is it….dun dun dunnnn


8 thoughts on “Fun and Games

  1. Too funny! Madam Zaritska must have thought that only white women would take her quiz, huh?!

    I could just see your daughter with the auburn patch in her hair sitting in a class answering to the name Audrey Brownless. Pleeeeeeze!!!!!!! LMAO!

    1. Oops! Got carried away on the "s". I meant Audry Brownlee. Sorry Tyrone! Even thought Brownless is appropriate for Madame Zaritska's crap! Ha!Ha!

  2. lol @ Mommy. and yeah…Madam Zaritska must be Miss Cleo's other personality…cuz she is absolutely full of it. Violet eyes?! Booooooooo!!! And plus…MP is a boy!!! Duh!!! lol.

  3. I like Audrey too, but too bad its the name of the girl that my first real boyfriend simultaneously dated for 2 of the 4 years that we dated. Oh well. I am all for the violet eyes. Let's see you explain that one. Our roots have been tampered with and anything can happen.

  4. i have a boy cousin named loren. i always thought it was lorne until i saw it written. and it's funny that mckayla is on there. and why so underweight? the head alone is gonna be 4 pounds. lol

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