week 13 is upon us. well mostly me but also yall. what does week 13 bring? the baby is now a size of a peach. we’re basically in the 2nd trimester (i think the official start is 13w3d). i have way less nausea and fatigue. but a new symptom that hit me yesterday is incredibly itchy skin. how itchy? i get to second base with myself several times an hour. luckily i have this giant cube to myself and i sit facing the doorway and i usually wear a jacket, but i’m constantly sticking my hands down my shirt to scratch everything. then my nose starts to itch. then my head. then my arms and ankles. then my back. yesterday i was rubbing against the couch like scooter. he was not pleased by my impersonation.
apparently dry skin is a common pregnancy symptom. since everything is growing and expanding, your skin is definetly not left out, so i guess this is part of the stretching but jeezus. i’m thinking of getting some oatmeal stuff and soaking in the tub tonight even though the thought of a warm bath disgusts me (hot baths are a no-no during these 9 months) it’s all i can think of. brownlee even encouraged the use of MORE lotion! the burt’s bees belly balm i bought was helping a lot because it’s super thick, but its not convienent to keep in my purse, so like once a day at work i sneak off in the bathroom with some bath and body works to relotion some itchy areas. it helps and it smells good, but those stalls are not good for manuevering in. i’m sure cocoa butter would help but my nose is sensitive and although gabby refuses to believe it, i do not want to smell like chocolate all day.
if the bath thing doesn’t work, i’m just gonna take a bendaryl and sleep through the itchies.
You know how you see somebody yawn and then you yawn……the same thing applies to itching, its gonna be a long pregnancy!!
lmao @ dad… oh man.
is there a lock on y'alls bathroom door? pull a mrs doubtfire and then the whole thing will be your own personal stall. lol
lmao @ dad…I can only imagine how funny the 3 of y'all look scratching each other 😛
poor thing! do not scratch your belly or else you're gonna get horrible stretchmarks!! 🙁 i wouldn't care smelling like chocolate all day if that would prevent my skin from itching like crazy. you're seriously traumatizing me with all this stuff 😛
I don't think you can take Benadryl.
I'm sorry about your itching. that's seriously how I feel when I'm outside too long. 🙁 , but! if you would just smell like chocolate all day…then you wouldn't have anything to worry about. Chocolate is DIVINE!!! Don't you wanna smell DIVINE? Sweet Lil' Peachy wants you too. lol.
I'm gonna channel D.Rog here and say…get you some vaseline…since you don't wanna smell good & chocolatey. lol.
I'm also laughing at poor Dad. That's crazy. lol.
@ jenni – benadryl is on the safe list from the doctor. so far the only regular thing that ive had to avoid was advil but gabby got me regular strength tylenol.
so the solution was: take a claritin. take a warm soak. with neutrogena oil. watching the big lebowski. after soak blot water off with towel. apply ample lotion. turn off big lebowski, lights, tv. sleep like a champ! which we did.
I wish you could "like" replies. I like this one. Sounds good for you and the baby. 🙂
LMAO, I aggree with Gabby, what's so wrong about smelling like chocolate! Yea, claritin or zyrtec should help (depending what you can take) and is dad complaining already!? MEN! pff!
really Kelly?
Brotha suggests using MORE lotion????
Why, he doesn't even believe in lotion… oh my bad he recently converted to a lotion user, didn't he? LMBO!!!
Don't scratch your BELLY, it causes stretch marks!! ( I concur with Tia G )
Hey, when I see you and you get your souffle…you should combine the souffle & baby oil….oooohhhweeemain! you'll NEVER itch again. lol.