ugh it seems like its been forever since i took the test but i know these 9 months will fly by. the doctors appointment isn’t until next week (Wed 4p), but from what i’ve read a lot of girls have heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks, which is always a good sign. but i dont know if that’s what my doctor will do or if i’m just going to take another test and get lots and lots of bloodwork done. and finally i can tell more people. the suspense is killing me. like we considered having a get together and making a big announcement, but i know my friends and I know we have scheduling conflicts. plus i don’t want to be around the liquor that i can’t have.
so i’ve been reading (of course) all of these questions that the “experts” say that you should ask the doctor. like which hospital they’re authorized to deliver at. and how many visits are to be expected. and what drugs i can take (i needs my Claritin) and if i can dye my hair (everything i’ve read so far says yes, but watch me ask anyway). but i’m going beyond that in my head now. when do i tell work? what does this mean for the upcoming promotion im supposed to get at work? how much time can i take off? what am i going to do with a screaming baby? who will be the day care person? what the hell am i going to wear while i’m gaining this estimated 25-35 pounds (seriously that’s what the books say). yesterday i freaked out for a minute that i couldn’t wear my boots this coming winter. I LOVE THOSE BOOTS. but ariel calmed me down (laughing all the while).
i guess i have nothing else to do but let time creep by slowly as i wait for this doctors appointment. creep creep creep.
it's funny to see you freaked out…not like any of us would be, but as you are always the voice of reason/logic…, it's funny to see you squirm. anyway…I'm sure you and Dad will figure it all out. Baby NoName has geniuses for parents. =)
in other news: Texas Childrens' is getting a maternity ward that should be ready by the time you deliver…I know it ain't by the house, but…it's such a cool hospital! lol.
yeah i got cigna and been checked it out. its like $250 to stay in a hospital. 90% thereafter is covered. i only have to pay a copay for the first visit of $25. baby exams are $15 a pop. they have some mommy program to enroll in. maybe they'll send me coupons or something. who knows. but mostly i'm like "what are they gonna do, repo the baby?". but all of that is on my list of questions. "how many times do i have to take off to come up here"
awww. look at you. all prepared. I shouldve known better. =)
the freakout was funny and im pretty sure i want to journal her freakouts. creep creep creep creep!
also, what if we swear not to have any sort of alcohol at the gathering?
AUUUUUGGGGHHHH!!! i just saw that baby is now the size of an appleseed!!!!
an appleseed is bigger than a poppyseed? lol. This damn calendar is killing me. Also too…you? no alcohol? at a party? =T lol. Although, I kinda think you could do it, since it's for such a good cause. I'm down. =)
yes an apple seed is bigger than a poppyseed. poppyseeds get stuck in your teeth at that awful Prince's burgers. bleh.
nobody said no alcohol at a party. i'll just have to get sparkling something or another.
oh…sorry to add more questions, but I thought of this just right now…you need to ask your insurance company lots of questions too. like…how many visits they cover? what's the co-pay for each? how does the payment work for the hospital when you deliver, etc?
I learned that from working with two preggers' at FIP. I think they had some other weird stuff, but we can discuss that later.